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COWI documents for the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan

In the period between April 2023 and September 2024, the Danish engineering consultancy company COWI prepared a series of documents providing input to the development of the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan. This was done with financial support from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The contribution of COWI focused on three infrastructure sectors, namely water (drinking water and wastewater), energy (district heating, power and renewable energy) and waste (solid waste). 

All documents are found below:

Water Sector

  1. Vision 2050
  2. Existing Situation Report
  3. Institutional Report
  4. Asset Management Report
  5. Future Sustainable Raw Water Source Note
  6. Roadmap, Water
  7. Roadmap, Water, Annex 1 - Priority Investment Programme, Water

Energy Sector

  1. Vision 2050
  2. Current Situation and Future Trends in District Heating and Power Sectors Report
  3. Institutional Analysis Report
  4. Potential Alternative Energy Sources in District Heating and Power Sectors Report
  5. Potential of Solar Energy Sources  in Power and District Heating Sectors Report
  6. Potential of the Wind Energy Sources  in Power and District Heating Sectors Report
  7. Potential of bioenergy sources in DH and power sectors
  8. Roadmap, Energy
  9. Roadmap, Energy, Annex 1 - Energy, Detailed Vision Report
  10. Roadmap, Energy, Annex 2 – Priority Investment Programme, Energy

Waste Sector

  1. Vision 2050
  2. Existing Situation Report
  3. Existing Situation Report (UKR)
  4. Institutional Report
  5. Institutional Report (UKR)
  6. Demolition Waste Report
  7. Waste Treatment Options Report
  8. Roadmap, Waste
  9. Roadmap, Waste, Annex 1 - Priority Investment Programme, Waste


  1. Water and District Heating Affordability
  2. Financing Options for Municipal Infrastructure
  3. Impacts of Climate Changes
  4. Population Forecasts Memo

 UPDATED 29.01.2025

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