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Introduction to Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan


The Concept Masterplan of Mykolaiv City serves as a strategic document, which determines  a clear set of objectives and ambitions for the development of Mykolaiv.

Lead by the international architectural company One Works Foundation (based in Milan, Italy), a team of well-known international experts and architects helped Mykolaiv develop a promising, people-oriented Concept Masterplan within the #UN4UkrainianCities framework, implemented by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

More information about the project can be found following the link below:

UN4Mykolaiv: Integrated Rehabilitation of Settlements (Territories) in Ukraine

As part of the Mykolaiv-Denmark Partnership established in 2022 upon the request by the President of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Zelynskyy, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered its assistance to the development of the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan. The assistance focused on water (drinking water and wastewater), energy (district heating, power and renewable energy) and waste (solid waste) infrastructure sectors development. The Danish consultancy company COWI was entrusted the provision of this assistance.

Overall, the development of Mykolaiv's prospective Concept Masterplan  was the result of a fruitful collaboration between Mykolaiv City Council and One Works FoundationCOWILANDSystematica, the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies from the Polytechnic University of MilanExSUF – UN Geneva Charter Centre of Excellence within Liuc – Libera Università di CastellanzaVisionary AnalyticsFondazione Housing Sociale and GISdevio.

To better understand the consequences of the destruction caused by the military aggression, the city authorities created a geographic information database detailing the damage and destruction across the city and analyzed the economic impacts of those.

With support from the Danish Government and at the request of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, the "Russia Will Pay" team was involved in this work. The joint work made it possible to obtain satellite imagery from Maxar Technologies, which was analyzed according to the methodology from the Kyiv School of Economics.

Additionally, within the framework of the  #UN4UkrainianCities project, work on several pilot initiatives is being implemented: Culture and Heritage, Green and Public Spaces, Industry and Trade, Innovation district, Housing – Micro-district. These projects are designed for swift implementation, aiming to establish best practice and facilitate a city-wide integration over time. The goal is to create spaces that meet the needs of residents while being economically viable (both in terms of construction and ongoing operation).

This page serves as a hub for news, publications, and announcements regarding completed and ongoing efforts, to keep all stakeholders and interested parties informed and engaged.


Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan summary of combined work

Although the pilot projects are still ongoing, the Concept Masterplan within the #UN4UkrainianCities framework  has been completed.

A detailed and comprehensive summary presentation prepared by the international architectural company One Works Foundation (Italy) and the international engineering consultancy company COWI (Denmark) can be found here:

Summary of Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan


The Concept Masterplan developed by the One Works Foundation

After an extensive period of pro-bono work, the One Works Foundation completed the Concept Masterplan thanks to the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

All documents prepared One Works Foundation can be found following the link:

One Works Foundation documents for the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan


For questions regarding the documents, please reach out to Ms. Tetiana Shulichenko, Head of Economic Development Department of Mykolaiv City Council ([email protected]).


COWI documents for the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan

In the period between April 2023 and September 2024, the Danish consultancy company COWI, in close cooperation with Danish VandCenter Syd (WaterCenter South) and Ukrainian Renewable Energy Agency and Ukraine Wind Energy Association sub-contractors, prepared a series of documents providing input to the development of the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan. Many other Danish and Ukrainian stakeholders provided advice.  This was done with financial support from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The contribution of COWI focused on water, energy and waste infrastructure sectors. 

All documents prepared by COWI and its sub-contractors can be found following the link:

COWI documents for the Mykolaiv Concept Masterplan



UPDATED 29.01.2025

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